Demeter Moms: Love, Sacrifice, and the Art of Letting Go.

Demeter Moms: Planting the Seeds of Motherhood – Where sleepless nights bloom into parenting paradise!

Children and their upbringing is a problem that concerns all women planning to have children. This also worries those who are afraid to have children. Typically, tokophobia arises from a lack of self-confidence; such women feel that they cannot cope with raising a child.

However, this problem worries women more than others whose goal is motherhood and fertility. It is these women who embody the archetypal image of DEMETER, one of the three goddesses of love.

Let's start with the fact that these women dream of being mothers since childhood.

They are very attentive to their child even during pregnancy, trying to do everything right. They listen to music with the unborn child, read books aloud to him, go to the pool and to special classes on motherhood. However, in their hearts these expectant mothers are not sure that they are paying enough attention and time to their future child.

For the birth of a child, women of the DEMETER archetype try to prepare the children's room, buy everything they need and even negotiate with the nanny, because they may not be able to cope with everything that is necessary for the baby.

It is worth noting that women who draw FEMALE ENERGY OF SELF from motherhood rarely spend money on themselves. However, they will always find funds to buy gifts for children for the holiday, put together a luxurious table for guests, find funds to ensure that their child receives the best education, and will make every effort to ensure that their children do not suffer from lack of money or poor relationship with yourself. These best mothers in the world will always find the means to ensure that their child has a good nanny, an excellent tutor, etc.

These mothers think about their children constantly, no matter where they are. At the same time, they believe that their husband should act this way, and if he does not act this way, then they do not need him. This is how DEMETER’s beautiful relationships with men fall apart. Often still at the stage of pregnancy.

Women of this type are sure that parents should sacrifice everything for the sake of their children. This is the negative side of the goddess of motherhood and fertility, since in caring for the child she forgets about herself and prevents him from developing. Excessive care makes him infantile. It is very difficult for such women to part with the maternal role, even when the children grow up and actively interfere in their lives. Of course, all this happens with the best intentions. To be fair, it is worth saying that such children VERY RARELY suffer from drug addiction, alcoholism or attention deficit. It is simply impossible, but DEMETER, be it their mother or grandmother, always remains No. 1 in their relationships with the other sex.

All attempts at late separation , as a rule, damage the relationship between the mother and the matured child, although the children have a desire to become independent. The fact is that many of them, surrounded for a long time by the constant care of their mother, experience a certain fear of the social environment.

Let us give two typical examples from life. Both of them are associated with homeschooling a child.


the mother gave birth to a girl late. While pregnant, she left work and her creative plans, was constantly under the supervision of the most experienced doctors and was concerned only with the condition of the fetus. The girl was born beautiful and affectionate, which is not surprising, because she was very loved. Her room was always full of toys, wonderful things and interesting magical books. This world, according to the mother, did not fit in with school restrictions, and she transferred her daughter to home schooling. The girl received not only a general education, but also excellent physical training, because her mother constantly took her to training with the best tennis specialists. Then the girl graduated from university as an external student. Then she left the sport because professional sports can bring injuries. Then she also completed directing courses, and her mother helped her make a movie. After which her parents, of course, helped her create her own small theater and bought a beautiful apartment. Soon this girl will be 40 years old, but her world has never grown beyond her family and her room in her beautiful parents’ house, where toy ponies still live.


is also quite sad, but not so much for the child as for the mother, who, having gone through a similar path, began separating her boy at the age of 16. This was difficult for a teenager, and here he was picked up by his dad, who became his friend. The boy is already 20 years old. He entered the University and made his first friends. Dad threw himself into his work and pulled away. Mom, who all these years diligently ignored both her son and her husband, experienced severe depression, gained more than 70 kg, but remotely acquired a new profession as a psychologist. Today she is emerging from her difficult state, but she has a long way to go to return her FEMALE SELF ENERGY.

Of course, things are not always so radical. However, women of this type should not forget about themselves and that the child is not their property, but an independent person. Then everything will be fine! Warmed with love and care, raised in the midst of an eternal holiday, able to communicate with both adults and peers, the child will forever retain love and gratitude for his mother. The mother will be young and beautiful, because she will not lose the FEMALE SELF ENERGY, remembering the slogan of APHRODITE: «Self-love is the beginning of happiness».

However, we should not forget that a mother’s parental instinct can cause not only benefits, but also harm both to the child’s growing up and to her personal life. In this case, it is worth talking about certain violations of the mother’s social role. The fact is that a good mother allows the child to separate on time and painlessly.

By the way, due to society’s commitment to equal rights, which is expressed in the autonomous existence of parents and children, the new norm of good parents is considered to be those parents whom children simply remember and know about their love.


Passionate Love, Creative Flames: Embracing Aphrodite's Archetype.


Demeter's Dilemma: Balancing Love, Children, and Marital Bliss!